Click on the links below to download a PDF version of the form(s) you need:



pdficon small  Academic Calendar 2024-25
pdficon small  Supplies List 2024-25
  GHCA Family Handbook   
Dress Code 2024-25




All families need:                        
pdficon small   Family Admission Packet        (only 1 packet needed per family regardless of thenumber of students applying)
pdficon small  Family Handbook  (only 1 necessary)
Pre-K and Kindergarten Only:
pdficon small   Pre-K/Kindergarten Student Application  (one needed per student)
pdficon small   Pre-K Program Information (as needed)
pdficon small   Kindergarten Program Information (as needed)
Grades 1-12 Only:
pdficon small   Gr. 1-12 Student Application (1 needed for each student applying)
pdficon small   Gr. 1-12 References (Character & Educator)  (1 set needed for each student applying
pdficon small   Gr. 7-12 Student Essay (1 needed for each gr. 7-12 student applying)
pdficon small   Elementary Program Information (as needed)
pdficon small   Secondary Program Information (as needed)